The badger Personality
Badger Characteristics Smallish • Patriotic • Protective • Passionate • Blunt • Aggressive
Scientific Name: Taxidea taxus
Collective Term: A cete of badgers
Confidence Personified
Badgers are closely related to weasel personalities and share the same range as their cousins the skunks. What distinguishes badgers from their relatives is their extraordinary physical and emotional strength and tenacious approach to life's challenges. Good looking, small to medium sized individuals, they walk and talk as if they own the world and their powerfully built bodies and dominating personalities back down for none, even for the much larger personality of the lion. Badgers will confidently enter the territory of others and woe betide anyone who blocks their path.
Badgers Surprise Everyone with their Toughness
Like most carnivores badgers stay in shape with regular physical activity and tend to be particularly well-dressed and precisely groomed. They enjoy all sports and their competitive natures drive them to the edges of their abilities, but because of their small size, sometimes feel the need to assert themselves to gain the respect accorded the larger carnivores. However, the badger's tendency to bite off more than it can chew often results in an overestimation of its capabilities. Having the heart of a tiger is both their greatest asset and biggest downfall.
Badger personalities seldom find time for the finer pleasures of life. Art and literature are considered distracting to the pursuit of resources, and their reading habits are usually confined to light fiction or popular action novels.
Badgers in the Workplace
Badgers are almost always successful in business but often find themselves over their heads. Their towering ambitions cause them to make sweeping plans without considering the finer details of the exercise. With such an abundance of self-confidence, they sometimes rush headlong into overwhelming situations and are forced to burrow their way out. Even so, they never go down without a fight.
Badgers are highly regarded as leaders, especially by the smaller animal personalities, but their physical statures can limit their political or business ambitions. This doesn't deter them from running races they are destined to lose, for like their weasel cousins, badgers are opportunists and will team up with more thoughtful animal personalities to offset their impetuous natures. As salespeople, they have few equals and jobs requiring a high degree of proactive selling are perfect for the badger's get-up-and-go personality. As managers, they might be somewhat overbearing, but they are always fair and rational. Badgers don't exhibit much of an ego and – while rooting for opportunities, always generate a great deal of respect from their peers.
The Wild Badger
A bearlike animal with short, powerful legs and strong claws, the badger is armed with musk glands (like its close relative the skunk), and relies on its powerful and stocky three-foot-long body to protect itself. Because of their nocturnal habits, they are rarely observed in the wild, although they are common throughout Northern Europe and the United States. A badger's response to danger can be quite astonishing. When threatened, the hair on its body stands on end and it suddenly looks twice its normal size. When combined with a violent snarling sound, its blustering reaction is enough to frighten off any would-be predator.
Careers & Hobbies
Engineer • Soldier • Reporter • Police
Basketball • Gambling • Golfing • Hunting • Fishing • Debating
Love & Friendship
As a hot-blooded mammal, the badger thrives on the excitement of new relationships and sexual conquests. But this incorrigible flirt and voracious lover is untraditional when it comes to matters of romance... no roses and chocolates for this feisty character. To celebrate an anniversary, it's more likely to be found climbing a mountain than spending a quiet night at home.
When a badger finally does settle down, it usually mates for life and proves to be a passionate and committed partner. Loyalty is imperative to the badger, and it is not shy about demanding reciprocation; nothing is more unpleasant than dealing with a badger who feels cheated. Partners who manage to accept their intense natures will experience an exquisite and unrelenting love affair.
These carnivorous personalities appreciate someone who can give them a run for their money, and when kept guessing, badgers will respond with a high level of interest. The adventurous spirit of the canine family particularly intrigues them and the badger's finest moments come in a relationship with the intellectually challenging and physically adept wild dog. Sensitive animal personalities like mice, cottontails, porcupines, and peacocks are advised to give this aggressive animal a wide berth, while unions with stubborn bear, wolf or wildcat personalities can be quite fulfilling. With their common tenacious attitudes, these partnerships will retain their intensity for a long time.
Since badgers need a little challenge in their lives, all their partners are advised not to back down to their sometimes unreasonable demands.
Best Mates For a badger


Fun competition

Stable and fruitful

Compatible and affectionate

Wild Dog

Same wavelength

Soul mates

Magnificent combination


At ease and comfortable

Understanding and love

Animal Match Maker
Use the matchmaker to see how different personalities get along with each other. Choose one from each list and click “Make a Match”


Famous Badger Personalities:
Joe Pesci
It's hard to know the real Joe Pesci. With his ability to play a wide range of characters in classics like Goodfellas, and My Cousin Vinnie, the only thing consistent about him is his determination, skill and persistence.
Napoleon Bonaparte
You can't spell badger without "bad", and there's a little bad in every badger personality. Ruthlessness, relentlessness and determination in a single small package. Dynamite!
Robert DeNiro
Many actors who play macho roles draw on their own personalities. No one in Hollywood has more badger machismo than DeNiro
Oliver North
Oliver North was a modern-day Machiavelli who, under Ronald Reagan, believed that the ends justified the means. It doesn't take intent to be evil... just the guts and confidence of a badger.