The owl Personality

Owl Characteristics: Eloquent • Sincere • Conservative
Scientific Name: Tyto alba
Collective Term: A parliament of owls


The Owl Personality is Sober

The owl is the tranquil face of the bird personalities. A creature of great integrity, its quiet demeanor accords it an air of mystery and diffidence, and it is widely recognized as a serene, wise observer of human society. Always well-groomed, it is a noble individual with elegantly chiseled features that border on the fine edge of beauty and homeliness. Its large eyes are often framed by handsome eyeglasses.

Owls have developed quite a reputation for intelligence, but it's really their calm, insightful natures that give this impression. Instead of an intellectual approach to life, they employ their deeper spiritual senses to guide them and -- like their nocturnal cohorts the bats -- have a deeply philosophical bent.

Spending much of their time in solitary pursuits, owls like to hole up in quiet working environments and venture out only when necessary. They are not playful creatures. Only engaging in exercise and activities in order to keep physically fit, they avoid more gregarious animal personalities like dogs, dolphins, and sea lions.

Owls are not without their assertive side, however, and won't hesitate to use their razor-sharp tongues to settle arguments. Rarely the aggressor in a confrontation, owls only fight when their survival or honor is at stake, and show no desire for a prolonged or physical struggle. Owls espouse nonviolence, think logically, and argue persuasively.

The Owl’s Career

As an astute observer of human nature, owls are eminently suited to be judges or diplomats. Their trustworthiness and dependability makes them perfect for positions of responsibility... perhaps as bank managers, heads of state, or religious leaders. A conscientious worker, an owl takes its responsibilities seriously and, when it accepts the burden of public office, it does so with the grace and skill typical of its species.

With an enormous capacity for hard work, owls achieve great things in almost any field they choose. This success doesn't always translate into financial rewards, when they are drawn to jobs in the teaching profession, which invariably satisfies their need to impart wisdom to others.

Owls in the Wild

In the wild, owls often live in churches and empty houses and are prone to swooping out of the dark with a ghostly appearance. Their eerie hoots create a mournful backdrop to their spooky behavior, and these sounds are probably responsible for the origin of a number of ghost stories.

Although owls can sometimes be seen by day, they function best at twilight and patrol their regular routes hunting for mice and squirrels.

Owls are able to hunt in complete darkness, having evolved a system of "outer ears" hidden under their feathers, and by detecting slight differences in the timing of their prey's noises, owls are able to zero in on prey by sound alone; thanks to their asymmetrical ear flaps, 

Careers & Hobbies

Teachers • Bank managers • Judges • Diplomats
Reading • Debating • Chess • Philosophy

Love & Friendship

Unlike many other terrestrial creatures, the owl is not a prisoner of its sex-drive. With an air of refined sensuality, it’s hardly shy about throwing itself into the physical aspects of a relationship, and when it focuses its sharp ardor on its lover, it ignites a quite a steamy and animated encounter.

The owl views sex as a complement to its relationships, and certainly not as the key component. It would do well to recognize the significance of physical affection outside the bedroom, for its partner is often starved for non-sexual reassurance.

The owl considers itself to be excellent company and is quite happy spending time in its own active mind, which slows its search for a long-term partner. Drawn to people who can match its sedate disposition, the owl finds the noble swan to be an ideal physical and emotional match. But achieving long-lasting relationships often proves difficult for this intensely spiritual creature.  This is perhaps why the owl finds its nocturnal companions, the fox and bat, to be the best candidates to fill its complex needs.

Famous Owl Personalities

Nelson Mandela

Portrait of Nelson Mandela

Mandela had the outward demeanor of an owl with an inner drive to fight tor fairness.  

Oprah Winfrey

Portrait of Oprah Winfrey

Owls are seen as spiritual figures that promote mindfulness and Oprah has grounded her career on these concepts.  

Abraham Lincoln

Portrait of Abraham Lincoln

Here is a president whose responsibility and trustworthiness made him a true keeper of justice.